Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Learner licenses
Thursday, 18 June 2015
In reading this week my group has been assessed on our goal identify the authors purpose and question intent. We were given two activity sheets to complete on our goal as well as doing our regular learning that we do every week.
This week in writing we have been finishing off our careers work at starting to publish our copies onto Google docs. This writing has been enjoyable because we get to write about something important to us.
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
math goals
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Reading term 2
IALT identify the authors purpose and question intent.
This week my reading group had to make a prediction on a book called watch for edge slumps then we had to complete complete a vocab sheet before completing a summary sheet of our choice afterwards we had a teacher session.As a follow up activity we had to make up a silly story about a road sign. Finally we did the must do tasks of a comprehension sheet.